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bucket_analytics_configurations_GetSELECTid, bucket, region<p>This implementation of the GET action returns an analytics configuration (identified by the analytics configuration ID) from the bucket.</p> <p>To use this operation, you must have permissions to perform the <code>s3:GetAnalyticsConfiguration</code> action. The bucket owner has this permission by default. The bucket owner can grant this permission to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href=""> Permissions Related to Bucket Subresource Operations</a> and <a href="">Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>. </p> <p>For information about Amazon S3 analytics feature, see <a href="">Amazon S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</p> <p class="title"> <b>Related Resources</b> </p> <ul> <li> <p> <a href="">DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> </ul>
bucket_analytics_configurations_ListSELECTbucket, region<p>Lists the analytics configurations for the bucket. You can have up to 1,000 analytics configurations per bucket.</p> <p>This action supports list pagination and does not return more than 100 configurations at a time. You should always check the <code>IsTruncated</code> element in the response. If there are no more configurations to list, <code>IsTruncated</code> is set to false. If there are more configurations to list, <code>IsTruncated</code> is set to true, and there will be a value in <code>NextContinuationToken</code>. You use the <code>NextContinuationToken</code> value to continue the pagination of the list by passing the value in continuation-token in the request to <code>GET</code> the next page.</p> <p>To use this operation, you must have permissions to perform the <code>s3:GetAnalyticsConfiguration</code> action. The bucket owner has this permission by default. The bucket owner can grant this permission to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Permissions Related to Bucket Subresource Operations</a> and <a href="">Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources</a>.</p> <p>For information about Amazon S3 analytics feature, see <a href="">Amazon S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis</a>. </p> <p>The following operations are related to <code>ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations</code>:</p> <ul> <li> <p> <a href="">GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> </ul>
bucket_analytics_configurations_DeleteDELETEid, bucket, region<p>Deletes an analytics configuration for the bucket (specified by the analytics configuration ID).</p> <p>To use this operation, you must have permissions to perform the <code>s3:PutAnalyticsConfiguration</code> action. The bucket owner has this permission by default. The bucket owner can grant this permission to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Permissions Related to Bucket Subresource Operations</a> and <a href="">Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources</a>.</p> <p>For information about the Amazon S3 analytics feature, see <a href="">Amazon S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis</a>. </p> <p>The following operations are related to <code>DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</code>:</p> <ul> <li> <p> <a href="">GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> </ul>
bucket_analytics_configurations_PutEXECid, bucket, region<p>Sets an analytics configuration for the bucket (specified by the analytics configuration ID). You can have up to 1,000 analytics configurations per bucket.</p> <p>You can choose to have storage class analysis export analysis reports sent to a comma-separated values (CSV) flat file. See the <code>DataExport</code> request element. Reports are updated daily and are based on the object filters that you configure. When selecting data export, you specify a destination bucket and an optional destination prefix where the file is written. You can export the data to a destination bucket in a different account. However, the destination bucket must be in the same Region as the bucket that you are making the PUT analytics configuration to. For more information, see <a href="">Amazon S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis</a>. </p> <important> <p>You must create a bucket policy on the destination bucket where the exported file is written to grant permissions to Amazon S3 to write objects to the bucket. For an example policy, see <a href="">Granting Permissions for Amazon S3 Inventory and Storage Class Analysis</a>.</p> </important> <p>To use this operation, you must have permissions to perform the <code>s3:PutAnalyticsConfiguration</code> action. The bucket owner has this permission by default. The bucket owner can grant this permission to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Permissions Related to Bucket Subresource Operations</a> and <a href="">Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources</a>.</p> <p class="title"> <b>Special Errors</b> </p> <ul> <li> <ul> <li> <p> <i>HTTP Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request</i> </p> </li> <li> <p> <i>Code: InvalidArgument</i> </p> </li> <li> <p> <i>Cause: Invalid argument.</i> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> <p> <i>HTTP Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request</i> </p> </li> <li> <p> <i>Code: TooManyConfigurations</i> </p> </li> <li> <p> <i>Cause: You are attempting to create a new configuration but have already reached the 1,000-configuration limit.</i> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul> <li> <p> <i>HTTP Error: HTTP 403 Forbidden</i> </p> </li> <li> <p> <i>Code: AccessDenied</i> </p> </li> <li> <p> <i>Cause: You are not the owner of the specified bucket, or you do not have the s3:PutAnalyticsConfiguration bucket permission to set the configuration on the bucket.</i> </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="title"> <b>Related Resources</b> </p> <ul> <li> <p> <a href="">GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations</a> </p> </li> </ul>