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countintegerThe number of Dedicated Hosts the reservation is associated with.
currencyCodestringThe currency in which the <code>upfrontPrice</code> and <code>hourlyPrice</code> amounts are specified. At this time, the only supported currency is <code>USD</code>.
durationintegerThe length of the reservation's term, specified in seconds. Can be <code>31536000 (1 year)</code> | <code>94608000 (3 years)</code>.
endstringThe date and time that the reservation ends.
hostIdSetarrayThe IDs of the Dedicated Hosts associated with the reservation.
hostReservationIdstringThe ID of the reservation that specifies the associated Dedicated Hosts.
hourlyPricestringThe hourly price of the reservation.
instanceFamilystringThe instance family of the Dedicated Host Reservation. The instance family on the Dedicated Host must be the same in order for it to benefit from the reservation.
offeringIdstringThe ID of the reservation. This remains the same regardless of which Dedicated Hosts are associated with it.
paymentOptionstringThe payment option selected for this reservation.
startstringThe date and time that the reservation started.
statestringThe state of the reservation.
tagSetarrayAny tags assigned to the Dedicated Host Reservation.
upfrontPricestringThe upfront price of the reservation.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
host_reservations_DescribeSELECTregionDescribes reservations that are associated with Dedicated Hosts in your account.
host_reservation_PurchaseEXECHostIdSet, OfferingId, regionPurchase a reservation with configurations that match those of your Dedicated Host. You must have active Dedicated Hosts in your account before you purchase a reservation. This action results in the specified reservation being purchased and charged to your account.