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Lists documents in a region or regions, for all properties use documents


DescriptionThe AWS::SSM::Document resource is an SSM document in AWS Systems Manager that defines the actions that Systems Manager performs, which can be used to set up and run commands on your instances.


contentobjectThe content for the Systems Manager document in JSON, YAML or String format.
attachmentsarrayA list of key and value pairs that describe attachments to a version of a document.
namestringA name for the Systems Manager document.
version_namestringAn optional field specifying the version of the artifact you are creating with the document. This value is unique across all versions of a document, and cannot be changed.
document_typestringThe type of document to create.
document_formatstringSpecify the document format for the request. The document format can be either JSON or YAML. JSON is the default format.
target_typestringSpecify a target type to define the kinds of resources the document can run on.
tagsarrayOptional metadata that you assign to a resource. Tags enable you to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment.
requiresarrayA list of SSM documents required by a document. For example, an ApplicationConfiguration document requires an ApplicationConfigurationSchema document.
update_methodstringUpdate method - when set to 'Replace', the update will replace the existing document; when set to 'NewVersion', the update will create a new version.
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params

SELECT examples

Lists all documents in a region.

FROM aws.ssm.documents_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';


For permissions required to operate on the documents_list_only resource, see documents