Lists environments
in a region or regions, for all properties use environments
Name | environments_list_only |
Type | Resource |
Description | Resource schema for AWS::MWAA::Environment |
Id | aws.mwaa.environments_list_only |
Name | Datatype | Description |
name | string | Customer-defined identifier for the environment, unique per customer region. |
arn | string | ARN for the MWAA environment. |
webserver_url | string | Url endpoint for the environment's Airflow UI. |
execution_role_arn | string | IAM role to be used by tasks. |
kms_key | string | The identifier of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use for MWAA data encryption. You can specify the CMK using any of the following: Key ID. For example, key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab. Key alias. For example, alias/ExampleAlias. Key ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef. Alias ARN. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:alias/ExampleAlias. AWS authenticates the CMK asynchronously. Therefore, if you specify an ID, alias, or ARN that is not valid, the action can appear to complete, but eventually fails. |
airflow_version | string | Version of airflow to deploy to the environment. |
source_bucket_arn | string | ARN for the AWS S3 bucket to use as the source of DAGs and plugins for the environment. |
dag_s3_path | string | Represents an S3 prefix relative to the root of an S3 bucket. |
plugins_s3_path | string | Represents an S3 prefix relative to the root of an S3 bucket. |
plugins_s3_object_version | string | Represents an version ID for an S3 object. |
requirements_s3_path | string | Represents an S3 prefix relative to the root of an S3 bucket. |
requirements_s3_object_version | string | Represents an version ID for an S3 object. |
startup_script_s3_path | string | Represents an S3 prefix relative to the root of an S3 bucket. |
startup_script_s3_object_version | string | Represents an version ID for an S3 object. |
airflow_configuration_options | object | Key/value pairs representing Airflow configuration variables. Keys are prefixed by their section: [core] dags_folder={AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags Would be represented as "core.dags_folder": "{AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags" |
environment_class | string | Templated configuration for airflow processes and backing infrastructure. |
max_workers | integer | Maximum worker compute units. |
min_workers | integer | Minimum worker compute units. |
max_webservers | integer | Maximum webserver compute units. |
min_webservers | integer | Minimum webserver compute units. |
schedulers | integer | Scheduler compute units. |
network_configuration | object | Configures the network resources of the environment. |
logging_configuration | object | Logging configuration for the environment. |
weekly_maintenance_window_start | string | Start time for the weekly maintenance window. |
tags | object | A map of tags for the environment. |
webserver_access_mode | string | Choice for mode of webserver access including over public internet or via private VPC endpoint. |
endpoint_management | string | Defines whether the VPC endpoints configured for the environment are created, and managed, by the customer or by Amazon MWAA. |
celery_executor_queue | string | The celery executor queue associated with the environment. |
database_vpc_endpoint_service | string | The database VPC endpoint service name. |
webserver_vpc_endpoint_service | string | The webserver VPC endpoint service name, applicable if private webserver access mode selected. |
region | string | AWS region. |
Name | Accessible by | Required Params |
list_resources | SELECT | region |
Lists all environments
in a region.
FROM aws.mwaa.environments_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';
For permissions required to operate on the environments_list_only
resource, see environments