Lists detector_models
in a region or regions, for all properties use detector_models
Name | detector_models_list_only |
Type | Resource |
Description | The AWS::IoTEvents::DetectorModel resource creates a detector model. You create a *detector model* (a model of your equipment or process) using *states*. For each state, you define conditional (Boolean) logic that evaluates the incoming inputs to detect significant events. When an event is detected, it can change the state or trigger custom-built or predefined actions using other AWS services. You can define additional events that trigger actions when entering or exiting a state and, optionally, when a condition is met. For more information, see [How to Use AWS IoT Events]( in the *AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*. |
Id | aws.iotevents.detector_models_list_only |
Name | Datatype | Description |
detector_model_definition | object | Information that defines how a detector operates. |
detector_model_description | string | A brief description of the detector model. |
detector_model_name | string | The name of the detector model. |
evaluation_method | string | Information about the order in which events are evaluated and how actions are executed. |
key | string | The value used to identify a detector instance. When a device or system sends input, a new detector instance with a unique key value is created. AWS IoT Events can continue to route input to its corresponding detector instance based on this identifying information. This parameter uses a JSON-path expression to select the attribute-value pair in the message payload that is used for identification. To route the message to the correct detector instance, the device must send a message payload that contains the same attribute-value. |
role_arn | string | The ARN of the role that grants permission to AWS IoT Events to perform its operations. |
tags | array | An array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource. For more information, see [Tag]( |
region | string | AWS region. |
Name | Accessible by | Required Params |
list_resources | SELECT | region |
Lists all detector_models
in a region.
FROM aws.iotevents.detector_models_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';
For permissions required to operate on the detector_models_list_only
resource, see detector_models