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Lists studios in a region or regions, for all properties use studios


DescriptionResource schema for AWS::EMR::Studio


arnstringThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EMR Studio.
auth_modestringSpecifies whether the Studio authenticates users using single sign-on (SSO) or IAM. Amazon EMR Studio currently only supports SSO authentication.
default_s3_locationstringThe default Amazon S3 location to back up EMR Studio Workspaces and notebook files. A Studio user can select an alternative Amazon S3 location when creating a Workspace.
descriptionstringA detailed description of the Studio.
engine_security_group_idstringThe ID of the Amazon EMR Studio Engine security group. The Engine security group allows inbound network traffic from the Workspace security group, and it must be in the same VPC specified by VpcId.
namestringA descriptive name for the Amazon EMR Studio.
service_rolestringThe IAM role that will be assumed by the Amazon EMR Studio. The service role provides a way for Amazon EMR Studio to interoperate with other AWS services.
studio_idstringThe ID of the EMR Studio.
subnet_idsarrayA list of up to 5 subnet IDs to associate with the Studio. The subnets must belong to the VPC specified by VpcId. Studio users can create a Workspace in any of the specified subnets.
tagsarrayA list of tags to associate with the Studio. Tags are user-defined key-value pairs that consist of a required key string with a maximum of 128 characters, and an optional value string with a maximum of 256 characters.
urlstringThe unique Studio access URL.
user_rolestringThe IAM user role that will be assumed by users and groups logged in to a Studio. The permissions attached to this IAM role can be scoped down for each user or group using session policies.
vpc_idstringThe ID of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to associate with the Studio.
workspace_security_group_idstringThe ID of the Amazon EMR Studio Workspace security group. The Workspace security group allows outbound network traffic to resources in the Engine security group, and it must be in the same VPC specified by VpcId.
idp_auth_urlstringYour identity provider's authentication endpoint. Amazon EMR Studio redirects federated users to this endpoint for authentication when logging in to a Studio with the Studio URL.
idp_relay_state_parameter_namestringThe name of relay state parameter for external Identity Provider.
trusted_identity_propagation_enabledbooleanA Boolean indicating whether to enable Trusted identity propagation for the Studio. The default value is false.
idc_user_assignmentstringSpecifies whether IAM Identity Center user assignment is REQUIRED or OPTIONAL. If the value is set to REQUIRED, users must be explicitly assigned to the Studio application to access the Studio.
idc_instance_arnstringThe ARN of the IAM Identity Center instance to create the Studio application.
encryption_key_arnstringThe AWS KMS key identifier (ARN) used to encrypt AWS EMR Studio workspace and notebook files when backed up to AWS S3.
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params

SELECT examples

Lists all studios in a region.

FROM aws.emr.studios_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';


For permissions required to operate on the studios_list_only resource, see studios