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Lists key_pairs in a region or regions, for all properties use key_pairs


DescriptionSpecifies a key pair for use with an EC2long instance as follows:
+ To import an existing key pair, include the PublicKeyMaterial property.
+ To create a new key pair, omit the PublicKeyMaterial property.

When you import an existing key pair, you specify the public key material for the key. We assume that you have the private key material for the key. CFNlong does not create or return the private key material when you import a key pair.
When you create a new key pair, the private key is saved to SYSlong Parameter Store, using a parameter with the following name: /ec2/keypair/{key_pair_id}. For more information about retrieving private key, and the required permissions, see [Create a key pair using]( in the *User Guide*.
When CFN deletes a key pair that was created or imported by a stack, it also deletes the parameter that was used to store the private key material in Parameter Store.


key_namestringA unique name for the key pair.
Constraints: Up to 255 ASCII characters
key_typestringThe type of key pair. Note that ED25519 keys are not supported for Windows instances.
If the PublicKeyMaterial property is specified, the KeyType property is ignored, and the key type is inferred from the PublicKeyMaterial value.
Default: rsa
key_formatstringThe format of the key pair.
Default: pem
public_key_materialstringThe public key material. The PublicKeyMaterial property is used to import a key pair. If this property is not specified, then a new key pair will be created.
tagsarrayThe tags to apply to the key pair.
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params

SELECT examples

Lists all key_pairs in a region.

FROM aws.ec2.key_pairs_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';


For permissions required to operate on the key_pairs_list_only resource, see key_pairs