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Lists location_hdfs in a region or regions, for all properties use location_hdfs


DescriptionResource schema for AWS::DataSync::LocationHDFS.


name_nodesarrayAn array of Name Node(s) of the HDFS location.
block_sizeintegerSize of chunks (blocks) in bytes that the data is divided into when stored in the HDFS cluster.
replication_factorintegerNumber of copies of each block that exists inside the HDFS cluster.
kms_key_provider_uristringThe identifier for the Key Management Server where the encryption keys that encrypt data inside HDFS clusters are stored.
qop_configurationobjectConfiguration information for RPC Protection and Data Transfer Protection. These parameters can be set to AUTHENTICATION, INTEGRITY, or PRIVACY. The default value is PRIVACY.
authentication_typestringThe authentication mode used to determine identity of user.
simple_userstringThe user name that has read and write permissions on the specified HDFS cluster.
kerberos_principalstringThe unique identity, or principal, to which Kerberos can assign tickets.
kerberos_keytabstringThe Base64 string representation of the Keytab file.
kerberos_krb5_confstringThe string representation of the Krb5Conf file, or the presigned URL to access the Krb5.conf file within an S3 bucket.
tagsarrayAn array of key-value pairs to apply to this resource.
agent_arnsarrayARN(s) of the agent(s) to use for an HDFS location.
subdirectorystringThe subdirectory in HDFS that is used to read data from the HDFS source location or write data to the HDFS destination.
location_arnstringThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the HDFS location.
location_uristringThe URL of the HDFS location that was described.
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params

SELECT examples

Lists all location_hdfs in a region.

FROM aws.datasync.location_hdfs_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';


For permissions required to operate on the location_hdfs_list_only resource, see location_hdfs