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Lists domains in a region or regions, for all properties use domains


DescriptionA domain defined for 3rd party data source in Profile Service


domain_namestringThe unique name of the domain.
dead_letter_queue_urlstringThe URL of the SQS dead letter queue
default_encryption_keystringThe default encryption key
default_expiration_daysintegerThe default number of days until the data within the domain expires.
matchingobjectThe process of matching duplicate profiles. If Matching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles starts a weekly batch process called Identity Resolution Job. If you do not specify a date and time for Identity Resolution Job to run, by default it runs every Saturday at 12AM UTC to detect duplicate profiles in your domains. After the Identity Resolution Job completes, use the GetMatches API to return and review the results. Or, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the MatchingRequest, you can download the results from S3.
rule_based_matchingobjectThe process of matching duplicate profiles using the Rule-Based matching. If RuleBasedMatching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles will start to match and merge your profiles according to your configuration in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest. You can use the ListRuleBasedMatches and GetSimilarProfiles API to return and review the results. Also, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest, you can download the results from S3.
statsobjectUsage-specific statistics about the domain.
tagsarrayThe tags (keys and values) associated with the domain
created_atstringThe time of this integration got created
last_updated_atstringThe time of this integration got last updated at
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params

SELECT examples

Lists all domains in a region.

FROM aws.customerprofiles.domains_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';


For permissions required to operate on the domains_list_only resource, see domains