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Lists report_definitions in a region or regions, for all properties use report_definitions


DescriptionThe AWS::CUR::ReportDefinition resource creates a Cost & Usage Report with user-defined settings. You can use this resource to define settings like time granularity (hourly, daily, monthly), file format (Parquet, CSV), and S3 bucket for delivery of these reports.


report_namestringThe name of the report that you want to create. The name must be unique, is case sensitive, and can't include spaces.
time_unitstringThe granularity of the line items in the report.
formatstringThe format that AWS saves the report in.
compressionstringThe compression format that AWS uses for the report.
additional_schema_elementsarrayA list of strings that indicate additional content that Amazon Web Services includes in the report, such as individual resource IDs.
s3_bucketstringThe S3 bucket where AWS delivers the report.
s3_prefixstringThe prefix that AWS adds to the report name when AWS delivers the report. Your prefix can't include spaces.
s3_regionstringThe region of the S3 bucket that AWS delivers the report into.
additional_artifactsarrayA list of manifests that you want Amazon Web Services to create for this report.
refresh_closed_reportsbooleanWhether you want Amazon Web Services to update your reports after they have been finalized if Amazon Web Services detects charges related to previous months. These charges can include refunds, credits, or support fees.
report_versioningstringWhether you want Amazon Web Services to overwrite the previous version of each report or to deliver the report in addition to the previous versions.
billing_view_arnstringThe Amazon resource name of the billing view. You can get this value by using the billing view service public APIs.
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params

SELECT examples

Lists all report_definitions in a region.

FROM aws.cur.report_definitions_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';


For permissions required to operate on the report_definitions_list_only resource, see report_definitions