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Contains information about a backup of an AWS CloudHSM cluster. All backup objects contain the BackupId, BackupState, ClusterId, and CreateTimestamp parameters. Backups that were copied into a destination region additionally contain the CopyTimestamp, SourceBackup, SourceCluster, and SourceRegion parameters. A backup that is pending deletion will include the DeleteTimestamp parameter.


DescriptionContains information about a backup of an AWS CloudHSM cluster. All backup objects contain the BackupId, BackupState, ClusterId, and CreateTimestamp parameters. Backups that were copied into a destination region additionally contain the CopyTimestamp, SourceBackup, SourceCluster, and SourceRegion parameters. A backup that is pending deletion will include the DeleteTimestamp parameter.


backup_idstringThe identifier (ID) of the backup.
backup_statestringThe state of the backup.
cluster_idstringThe identifier (ID) of the cluster that was backed up.
create_timestampstringThe date and time when the backup was created.
copy_timestampstringThe date and time when the backup was copied from a source backup.
never_expiresbooleanSpecifies whether the service should exempt a backup from the retention policy for the cluster. True exempts a backup from the retention policy. False means the service applies the backup retention policy defined at the cluster.
source_regionstringThe AWS Region that contains the source backup from which the new backup was copied.
source_backupstringThe identifier (ID) of the source backup from which the new backup was copied.
source_clusterstringThe identifier (ID) of the cluster containing the source backup from which the new backup was copied.
delete_timestampstringThe date and time when the backup will be permanently deleted.
tag_listarrayThe list of tags for the backup.
regionstringAWS region.


NameAccessible byRequired Params
delete_backupDELETEX-Amz-Target, data__BackupId, region
copy_backup_to_regionEXECX-Amz-Target, data__BackupId, data__DestinationRegion, region
modify_backup_attributesEXECX-Amz-Target, data__BackupId, data__NeverExpires, region
restore_backupEXECX-Amz-Target, data__BackupId, region