Lists frameworks
in a region or regions, for all properties use frameworks
Name | frameworks_list_only |
Type | Resource |
Description | Contains detailed information about a framework. Frameworks contain controls, which evaluate and report on your backup events and resources. Frameworks generate daily compliance results. |
Id | aws.backup.frameworks_list_only |
Name | Datatype | Description |
framework_name | string | The unique name of a framework. This name is between 1 and 256 characters, starting with a letter, and consisting of letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_). |
framework_description | string | An optional description of the framework with a maximum 1,024 characters. |
framework_arn | string | An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies Framework as a resource |
deployment_status | string | The deployment status of a framework. The statuses are: `CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | COMPLETED | FAILED` |
creation_time | string | The date and time that a framework is created, in ISO 8601 representation. The value of CreationTime is accurate to milliseconds. For example, 2020-07-10T15:00:00.000-08:00 represents the 10th of July 2020 at 3:00 PM 8 hours behind UTC. |
framework_controls | array | Contains detailed information about all of the controls of a framework. Each framework must contain at least one control. |
framework_status | string | A framework consists of one or more controls. Each control governs a resource, such as backup plans, backup selections, backup vaults, or recovery points. You can also turn AWS Config recording on or off for each resource. The statuses are: `ACTIVE` when recording is turned on for all resources governed by the framework. `PARTIALLY_ACTIVE` when recording is turned off for at least one resource governed by the framework. `INACTIVE` when recording is turned off for all resources governed by the framework. `UNAVAILABLE` when AWS Backup is unable to validate recording status at this time. |
framework_tags | array | Metadata that you can assign to help organize the frameworks that you create. Each tag is a key-value pair. |
region | string | AWS region. |
Name | Accessible by | Required Params |
list_resources | SELECT | region |
Lists all frameworks
in a region.
FROM aws.backup.frameworks_list_only
WHERE region = 'us-east-1';
For permissions required to operate on the frameworks_list_only
resource, see frameworks